We are experts
The Work Lab is an innovative social and market research organisation, with a strong focus on education, training, industry and workforce development.
Research Expertise
Literature reviews and report
- Access to online databases such as Business Source Premier, Proquest and Informit.
- Qualitative analysis of literature using Nvivo.
Environmental Scans
Key stakeholder analysis and interviews
Questionnaire and Survey Design
- Online surveys
- Mail Outs
- Optimal response rates
- Data entry
Workforce profiling and job analysis
- Skills audits
- Gap analysis
- Position benchmarking
Statistical Analysis
- Univariate and multivariate analysis using SPSS
- Cdata and Mapinfo interoperability
Systems ‘Dynamic’ Modeling
- Skill shortages and training demand profiles
- Skills and labour requirements across industry supply chains
- Literature reviews
- Environmental scans
- Data collection and analysis
- Recommendations
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Licenced data intermediary
Skill Stores
The Work Lab has been involved from day one with whole of State labour market initiatives including Skilling Solutions Queensland, the Victorian Skills Store initiative, Small Business Solutions and Tradeset (457 migrant assessments).
Skills Assessment
Our products help identify and maintain skills, for individuals and businesses.
Training Assessment Systems
Our research and consultancy activity lead us to the conclusion that skills need a rethink. We established, what has become a separate business, Australia’s first Skills Passport underpinned by the entire national suite of competencies and qualifications.
Case Studies
Skilling Solutions